
Christmas day's lunch (leftover food...lol)

All stoning...

quietly eating potato salad by the czech and slovak martinS

Tired but happy...

I was about to blink my eyes...

christmas eve in dorm

Promps has a really interesting present for us all....PHOTOS!!!

Pix of food by 'christy'

Didi doing kung fu

Jane on the grass

That's my present for promps (secret santa...lol)
Of coz, the best combination of food and pix (his fave) is pix of food and friends in a menu!!!

Isn't my wrapping unique? *blush*

And my er zi took my drumstick as cigar

manz, i got a pair of drumsticks...hahaha!

look at what 马丁丁 got

Her presents writes: 福雅娜 (her name)

Happy faces

Interesting christmas gifts!!!
So christmaSY...
I have no comments on this... i mean what can i say... promps, jane and i

In my didi's room...saiko (jap) and xue feng (chinese)

Finally, the night has come...our warm christmas party begins!
Guess which is my present???

What a feast!!!

Yumz yumz yumz!

cooking for the night... french guys can really cook!!!

i love this spraying stuff...


some thoughts

小时候坐在香港的地铁上, 想着自己会不会有机会到兵马俑去看看。想象中的兵马俑还是“冰”做的呢,多无知... ...

今年我不只看到了兵马俑,还在兵马俑的城市呆上了差不多一年... ...
